What makes you crunchy?

I may not be as crunchy as some, but I am more than most! I not only grow a garden, I preserve what I grow. I both can and freeze my fruits and veggies. I'm very particular about buying milk that is free from rBST. I'm learning to sew so I can hopefully learn to sew quilts and clothing.

I do not feel strongly about organic products. I think unless you grow it yourself you can't truly know how it was grown, regardless of what's stamped on it.


About Janet

You can read all about me here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

About Janet

I am a wife to a wonderful man and mother to the best son on Earth.

I am a Republican, and I won't apologize for it, nor do I care what your opinion about that is.

I run a home daycare. No, I don't do this because I'm not qualified to do anything else. Childcare is a hard business and I'm fortunate to be successful at it. I have a great group of kids and I love every moment I'm able to help shape their lives. I feel very lucky to be a part of that.

I choose children over adults any day. They are honest, fun, non-judgemental, and they don't cause drama. And if I could bottle their laughter, I truly believe I could end world conflict.

I have a wonderful son. I'm fiercely protective of him, and I'm very observant of how people treat him. I will take anyone down that hurts him.

David and I are nearing in on five years together, and not a day goes by that I don't recognize how lucky I am to be with him. We have our ups and downs, but we are a powerful team and are committed to working together to have a strong family unit.